A Day In The Life of a Manifesting Generator

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links! Read my disclosure, here, to find out what this means!

There are many different types of human design. But my specific type is called “Manifesting Generator.”

The very simple explanation for this type is: have all the energy for exciting things, go fast, get all the things done with a smile, then return to fix overlooked stuff later. Coincidentally, that also sums up the week I’ve had…which is the example I wanted to write about here.

While planning out my ideas for the “books” portion of my website, I remembered that I had wanted to update the cover to one of my books…….from years ago. Because it felt silly to show something that I was going to change soon anyways.

Ahaha…yeah, jokes on me.

I ended up going on a huge adventure of updating things left-right-and-center. I’m happy with the results, and how fast I was able to make these things, AND how far my skills have progressed since I first made them. But…sometimes I just wish I could get things right the first time!

Anyways. Here’s before-and-after comparisons for some of what I worked on to give you an example of what I mean by “fixing overlooked stuff”. AKA – I just really couldn’t have known what I didn’t know. I searched so many “how-to’s” but it still wasn’t enough. It took experience, and market research, and learning new tools. And hey, who knows – maybe even these will be updated again one day.

But…I’m really happy about the changes, and finally ready to finish setting up the rest of this website! (AND FYI, Yes – I updated the pen name for “The Last Calico Cat.” Read about it here, on Medium).


If you’re interested in this book, by the way, check it out on Amazon!


If you’re interested in this book, by the way, check it out on Amazon!

So long story short…

If you’re ALSO a manifesting generator and find yourself constantly returning to projects or ideas to do little touch ups – don’t worry. It’s annoying, but it’s probably normal…and maybe even a good thing. It probably means you’ve learned a lot and are ready to make the thing even better than before.

Every astrologer/human design coach, that I’ve come across, says this is something common to us. We have so much energy and charge ahead full steam, but…that means we usually overlook little things here and there.

Sometimes we come back to fix those things up, and sometimes we don’t (but if it’s important to us, we usually do…at least in my experience).

It’s fun and exciting – supposedly we’re the design type that does things the fastest. And, hey – I’m happy to see how much my skills have grown, and I’ll continue applying them to my future projects!

P.S. Human design is linked to astrology. It’s kind of like a different way of presenting and thinking about the information. You still need your birth time/location to get an accurate human design chart!

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